The Mathematics Department at the Technion is inviting advanced undergraduate students to experience research level mathematics in a week of projects (Sunday-Thursday, September 6-10, 2015). The projects will be mentored by members, postdocs and graduate students from the department. In each project, a group of 2-4 students will investigate one of the following options (press on the project’s name to download its description):
- Ryser’s conjecture (Ron Aharoni)
- Rounding real numbers to integers (Ron Holzman)
- Numerical analysis in auction theory (Nir Gavish)
- Hilbert function spaces of analytic functions in a complex variable (Guy Salomon and Orr Shalit)
- Projection methods – theory, applications and experiments (Rafal Zalas and Simeon Reich)
- The mathematics of juggling (Oliver Sargent and Uri Shapira)
- Random walks with self-interactions (Ross Pinsky)
- Minimal surfaces (Baptiste Devyver)
We shall start the day with a meeting of all participants, and a one hour mathematical talk. Later on, every project group shall separately continue to investigate. We shall also have a couple of coffee-and-cookies breaks every day.
Housing and food for the week is supplied by the Technion.
To apply, fill the application form. The number of positions is limited, so apply as soon as possible.
Organizers: Ram Band, Michah Sageev and Amir Yehudayoff.